Rules for using the Information and Library Center of the city of Shirin

1. General rules
1.1. Information and Library Center of the city of Shirin (hereinafter referred to as the Center) operates on the basis of the principles of democratic humanism, universality, priority of universal human values, citizenship, and free development of the individual.

1.2. The Center provides users with basic information and library services free of charge, as well as some additional information and library services on the basis of the approved “Price List of Paid Services”.

1.3. In the cloakroom of the center, even large-sized items, items that cause a fire, valuables and money are not left even for temporary storage. The administration of the center is not responsible for the valuables and money left in the cloakroom.

2. The main tasks of the ILC
2.1. In accordance with the provisions of the law on the protection and use of historical and cultural monuments, documents, books and other materials in information and library funds, it is allowed to record, store and use documents and materials.

2.2. Formation, preservation and disclosure of universal information and resource resources, national and foreign fund of printed and electronic publications.

2.3. Creation, based on the user’s request, of the possibility of obtaining information and library documents and other documents available in other information and library institutions, including foreign libraries.

2.4. Creation of information products and their provision for use by other information and library institutions in the region.

3. Rights and obligations of users
3.1. User of the Center – an individual and legal entity using information and library services.

3.2. In order to become a member of the ILC, users need to provide an identity document – a passport, and minor users need to provide a birth certificate and a passport of their parents or guardian. When using the library, the fact that he is permanently registered in the region where the Center is located, or lives in another region, does not prevent him from using the library. Membership in the ILC was carried out on the basis of the “Price List of Paid Services” approved by the Center.

3.3. The right to use the temporary library is granted to foreign citizens on the basis of an identity document.

3.4. Users have the right to freely choose the use of the Center’s services and the choice of the Center.

3.5. Center user rights:

3.5.1. Free use of documents available in the library collection from the User Center.

3.5.2. Use of bibliographic reference and information services and other types of services provided by the Center.

3.5.3. Information for users – obtaining information through catalogs covering the library collection and other types of information.

3.5.4. Users can get a free consultation from a Center specialist when searching for the information they need.

3.5.5. Informational – temporary use of any document from the library fund.

3.5.6. Ordering documents by interlibrary loan, using them and making copies from their parts within the limits established by law.

3.5.7. Use of the services indicated in the price list of paid services approved by the parent organization of the center.

3.5.8. Order up to 3 necessary literature at the same time in the reading rooms “the number of documents is not limited”

3.5.9. At the request and discretion of users, temporary withdrawal of information and library documents from the library area for use.

3.5.10. In case of low demand for literature/documents sent by users to their homes, an extension for a period of no more than 15 days for use outside the Center building.

3.5.11. Use of existing computer equipment in classrooms.

3.5.12. Providing reasonable suggestions and comments on the development of the User Center.

3.5.13. In case of detection of violations of the rights of users, the specialists of the Center contact law enforcement agencies.

4. User Responsibilities
4.1. Users must abide by the rules for using this Center.

4.2. When registering, the user must familiarize himself with the rules for using the center.

4.3. In case of changes in the personal data of users, it is necessary to inform the specialist of the Center about it.

4.4. Center User Responsibilities:

4.4.1. The courtesy of the center’s specialists should be friendly.

4.4.2. At the request of the user, he must examine the received literature/document and, if any defects are found, inform the Center’s specialist about it.

4.4.3. With caution, you should use literature from the center’s fund, devices for use through various media, disks, and others.

4.4.4. The user can return or renew literary documents received from the center’s fund within the specified time limits. It is necessary to notify the specialist of the center about the extension of the period of use.

4.4.5. When leaving the center, the literature documents received for use will be transferred to the center’s specialist, or, if they were taken from open funds, they can be returned to their place.

4.4.6. It is not allowed to take out literary documents for use in the classrooms and use them in other rooms. It is also forbidden to tear the book, make a line, bend its pages.

4.4.7 Violation of the procedure for placing books in open funds, damage to catalogs and registration cards, cards and their withdrawal is prohibited.