The Information and Library Center has socio-political, technical, agricultural, and fiction literature.
The general fund consists of more than 19 558 thousand copies of printed and electronic documents.
The main task of the staff of the information and library center is to create conditions for the full use of book collections and meet the needs of users. Today, the ILC has 4 services.
Provides bibliographic and information services to users, prepares bibliographic reviews, conducts excursions, provides information and consultations. Work with local history documents creates the basis for the formation of local history knowledge.
The main tasks of the service are:
- Ensure the replenishment of the ILC fund on a scientific basis;
- Creation of a fund based on user requests;
- Reception and accounting of newly received books;
- Accounting for issued documents;
- Carries out cataloging and processing of information and library documents;
- Organized documents anonymously included in an electronic catalogue;
- Ensuring the safety of the fund.
Provides services to users:
- Provides users with resources stored in the ILC funds;
- Monitors compliance with the “Rules for using the Information and Library Center” by users of the ILC;
- Accepts literature from users, controls the status of returned literature.
Provides information about the funds associated with the service:
- Organizes literary exhibitions;
- Organizes and conducts literature reviews;
- Organizes conferences for users, meetings with writers and poets, figures of science and culture and other events.
Conducts sociological research to improve the provision of information and library services to users.
Creates rules, notifications, instructions and recommendations for the interaction of the ILC with its users.
Actively cooperates with the media to provide information and library services and specialized services.
Performs purposeful work on the formation of an electronic library.
Digitization of documents related to the activities of the ILC, books, newspapers, magazines in national and foreign languages, rare and valuable publications, unique manuscripts, photographic films and storage in the library database in accordance with the plan.
Processes electronic resources using software.
Actively participates in the creation of a complete electronic database of the ILC. Provides industry-specific services based on user requirements and suggestions.